The dream of a warm, auspicious space in which to finally set up our 'permanent market stall' has come to fruition with the signing of a lease on a cute little shop in Milton, NSW (near Ulladulla). Having had the idea for around 3 years now, we tossed and turned with different locations and premises, but it never felt right and for one reason or another it just never happened. Until it did!
We started with a blank canvas - literally a square, empty room with a sink! It was such a creative exercise when we sat down to plan our new space out - we could do anything at all! We started by enclosing the back section for storage, and building a fitting room (above).
We had decided to make all our shelves, racks and tables to save some rapidly evaporating funds, and found some old fence posts and pallets that needed attention. After pulling them apart, sawing, sanding and then putting them back together, the result was even more amazing than we first thought. Below is the top of the table in the centre of the room holding all our children's felt products.
Next thing was all hands on deck, when the installation began.
It took around 2 weeks to finish all the hard work, and then the fun began - setting up all our gorgeous products! I'd like to say it was a smooth process and all 'fit' together perfectly, but it's not the case. It took a few nights of rearranging and invention to get it how we wanted it to look.
We're still not done yet - just a few small things to do and then it's back into the hard market and festival life (as well as the shop).
Loving it completely at the moment, can't wait for the long, busy Summer to make it all worthwhile!
Until next time,
Mel X