*This story has images that may disturb, but there is hope, as you will read.
For many years we have been visiting Kathmandu, and each time my heart breaks seeing the poor, mange ridden pooches that roam the streets. These dogs are homeless, but in Nepal (and lots of developing countries) they are generally tolerated on the streets, and often times are even fed by their neighbours. The average household in Nepal doesn't have extra funds to treat the dogs for any ailments they may have though, so the dogs are left to exist in their current conditions. And more often than not, mange is prevalent in all of them until they are treated.

Mange is an insidious condition, and is caused by mites burrowing into and underneath the skin, and feeding on these materials. It causes intense itching, and the dog will lick and chew the area until they have lost all the hair surrounding the spot and the skin then blackens and gets thick and tough.
Eventually, these dogs look like they are beyond hope; hairless with sores and infected pustules all over their body. To me, it is one of the saddest things you will see when travelling to Nepal.

In Western countries, mange is basically eradicated. All modern chew flea and tick medications now include treatment for mange, and it's a rare Western pooch that you'll see itching and scratching because of mange.
We have teamed up again with Street Dog Care in Kathmandu to help try and eradicate it in Nepal as well.
Below is the difference one dose of mange treatment does for these dogs! Yes, amazing.

Other dog medications are easy enough to get in Nepal, and most are actually cheaper than here in Australia. All except the chewable flea and tick medications (Nexgard, Bravecto etc). These, you cannot buy in Nepal, and you cannot send over (as they more than likely won't be delivered), so we need to take them over with us when we go.
One tablet is called a treatment, and most dogs will recover fully after this and be immune to mange after that. One chew tablet - or one dose - for the weight of a Nepali street dog costs around AU $30.00 at the moment.

We are asking for help! We are donating $10 from every purchase of one of our Felt 'Good Boi' Dogs. Please help us to be able to take over as much medication as we can, to save as many pooches as possible from living with this debilitating disease.

We thank you all for your love and support, and will continue to update you with news on our Street Dogs.
Until next time,
Mel Xx

Image Credits: Street Dog Care Kathmandu