Not sure how everybody else works, but we get really active every Springtime! After all the new veggies are planted and seedlings have struck, we turn our eyes to our stall, and start thinking, 'hmmm...what can we change...'. We make all our own set up equipment by hand (and often have to design the piece first, as it doesn't exist anywhere yet!), so Spring for us usually means lots of work....
The driving force behind us making all our own set up to look different from everybody else. It's quite hard as there are only so many ways to display clothing and the like, but we do manage (well we like to think so anyway!). Our racks which Yo designed and made seem to be quite recognizable.

This year Yo is making our brand new metal racks so we can display all our clothing easily. They will replace our bamboo poles which we have been using for the last 2 years, but have had their day now. It was lovely to use freshly cut bamboo for a little while, however, the strength and durability of metal ultimately prevails in times of wet weather and wind.
Our hand carved signs will stay though, and fair enough - they've been with us for three years now. Yo hand carved (with no power tools!) our signage out of hard red wood we bought from a travelling market stall we met in Darwin. We're very proud of these and could have sold them (especially the 'Hemp' sign) many times over!
This year sees the incorporation of branches from a limb of a tree that fell down in our yard due to huge winds. We will be displaying our lovely new hemp jewellery on them.

And in other lovely Spring news... ~

...we have made friends with one of the horses who lives in the paddock next to our house. He was the last introduced of the three who now live there, and he is very, very friendly! He was born a brumby from Tumut way, and perhaps it's his wild roots that now inspire his free spirited behaviour.

Quite shy when he first arrived, now we can't go outside without him almost running over to the fence! (And no, food is not involved). He chases the kangaroos (literally runs just behind them), kicks out the back all the time, is most definitely the boss of the other two, and loves kisses (mmmmwah!)

I have fallen in love just a little bit. Very beautiful colouring, he is so pale - and he has dreadlocks! The other two don't, but his mane is wild! And he has a fringe! This is both of our first encounters with horses, and I love how affectionate and inquisitive they are. Beautiful, intelligent personalities!
Until next time X